Globalism Hope for the comming generation A guiding light to peace
Economics is the accumlated, societal, and cultural norms for the evaluation of curreny. Currency is an act or transferance of things perceived of value. Gloablism is a value set, of global economic wealth through a stable and viable economical system, thus for the whole majority of the world, not not the small percentile of those of excess wealth. The ultra rich have, for decades ignored thier moral obligations, and ethical duty of care to care for one another, who are in need
Step 1
Identify currency systems of economic value, such as robotics, AI, and education, which can benefit global advancement.
Step 2
Exploit such systems to best augment societal wealth, and standards of economic growth, and prosperity
Step 3
Balance economic growth with ethical, and moral responsibilities by providing as many entitlement programs as possible, while at the same time mantaining a semblance of economic stability
Globalization reset plan
Proposal for unionization, and reset of world order government powers, and superpowers, under one new world order.
Design divine power computer AI program to enforce results of global electoral sequence.
Promote vote in 10 years of majority consensus, of the global population.
Mandatory classes are to be held prior to gaining voting rights, as part of a census program.
In order to develop a true understanding of what one is voting for.
Effect a 1-7 top tier branch of superpower nations. Offer seven submissions of peace order reform for global reformation. Of these 7 proposal forms, the one, party, or group, to receive the most global votes would hold ultimate control of a one world order government head of state, establishment.
Proposal’s would be a blend of applicable government and constitutional regulations of past success, within recent governmental forms. Proposals would outline how these government forms would be applicable for future success under these rules and regulations for future population. This would be in relation to population growth and majority desires and wants, of personal and economic freedoms. These guidelines would pertain to factors of economic growth, and ethical standards of moral responsibility, and ethical justice
Vote would be continual and ongoing for 2 years at which point the proposal plan of majority vote would be binding and supreme power over leading AI technology would be assigned to the majority vote party.
Mandate all countries revert to a 2 percent cut in defense spending, annually, to go towards providing universal education, and stability across impoverished regions, and domestically.
This would be, as a good faith reminder of peace and tranquility among growing superpowers nations prior to the end results of the global voting phase.
Wrap up summary
Globalization unification plan for vote of heads, of a centralized government, cited on Global Politic Initiatives INC Facebook page could be securely held through a 3 day national confirmation voting timeline. This time would go towards implementing world reset of economies. As basic essentials of economic means, within reason, would be free, and a national day of observance would go into effect for such 3 day voting timeline. This period would be listed as a paid holiday for significant purposes upon one of these 3 days’. One, who, voted would be awarded 1 day of holiday pay portrayed as work for the government, as a cause of missing work to vote. Security of valid elections, for such broad ideals, and projections, would be enhanced through validated IMF deposits to voters, and receipt of these funds. Thess deposits would create a financial trail, to minimalize voter fraud, and ensure proper, and accurate ballot counts. To citizens, and countries this would provide an avenue to ensure rights of democracy, to, documented citizens of the global community, which recognition of economic, and political impact of the voting cycle would be had.
Reasons to act on Globalization reset plan
The quality of living for those impoverished has been degrading for generations. Democracy, and the power of majority has been the backbone of progressional success, for decades. As the U.S constitution outlines “That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness”. This was back in the dawn age of the constitution, preceding current time, and holding significance to current date. It, also, states that the purpose of the second amendment is “to ensure that should a tyrannical power overtake the Nation, Americans will be able to defend themselves” So have we a chance to adhere to these guidelines.
We have created a global threat of, competing global nations, and tyrannical power overtaking this nation. This global threat is of ignorance and greed of structural superpowers, depriving those in need of their divine right to pursue their happiness. As the United States did in the civil war, so must this global community do, for those living, in comparison to, others, on slave wages, and deplorable living conditions. We must be spokesmen, and women for those with a limited say in political policy , due to their default poverty status, created by the decades of neglect, of superpower nations.
“Half of the global population lives on less than US$6.85 per person per day” (2024. World Bank Blogs) “648 million people in the world, about eight percent of the global population, live in extreme poverty, which means they subsist on less than US$2.15 per day” (2024. World Bank Blogs). “in 2019, 70 percent of the global population lived in middle-income economies, where the international poverty line might be too low to define someone as poor” (2024. World Bank Blogs). These figures of poverty are much lower than the United states poverty line equivalent of $14,580 (2024., or about $40 per day.
World superpowers are making grotesque gains when others are dying, of sickness, hunger, and thirst, clear signs of poverty. Turning a blind eye to the immediate problem, that united we stand and divided we fall. We must unite under one cause of a baseline success line of achievement and accomplishment, rather than playing ignorant to a poverty line of failure. Through the base concept of democracy and majority vote, majority should, and would, if abled, to acknowledge the need to end poverty.
Without the input of those impoverished this will not occur. If we invest in educating those nations impoverished we gain humanitarian, and economical gains in all foreseeable futures. But we must give those missing a voice their time to be heard. For the risk of death supersedes any American, Chinese, Russian, or other rising superpower nation, fear of middle class economical fears or woes. This is humanity speaking on a global cause, not just one man, or group speaking on behalf of one cause.
ESUE: Education stimulus for universal education
(ESUE): Education stimulus for universal education
Provide Universal education for all willing, participants, within 10 years of implementation
Initiate 70% student loan forgiveness on all student loans, with a 30% mandatory payback rate, after forgiveness period. This would be of United States ESUE portions, or countries attributed with student loan debt. If paid back within a year 90% forgiveness would apply. If paid back within 2 years 80% would be forgiven. If not paid off before retirement age, taxation to your retirement funds would apply to recoup lost funds.
Decrease education length from a 4 year bachelor’s degree graduation program to 3 year graduation program. This would be accomplished through select research model approaches, of synaptic transmission, neuro synapses relays, and functions of the cerebral cortex, within the brain during the course of learning. Such focus would be on long term hypnotic training. Such focus would be to creating a systematic method of long tern hypnosis education which would create a high level retention rate.
Increase school week to a 6 day, every other day on campus/remote learning curriculum, for people part of the ESUE program to allow for a 3 year Bachelor's degree educational graduation curriculum. Every other day a teacher would see 2 different classroom groups. On opposing days these classroom groups would variate from in person classroom attendance, to remote learning school work. Upon the 6th day a 50 student class would be convened, from each school group of the education population.
Every other day on campus/remote learning, cycle, would cut the cost of teacher salary considerably, by invoking a double class teacher work schedule ratio, aided by AI remote learning technique. This technique would aid in increasing graduation rates by imploring a 2 method learning style through the on campus, teacher led stimulated aids, and remote learning computer aided learning.
There would be an increase in spending from implementing a 6 day school week, due to the extra day teachers would have to work, or hiring an assistant to aid in the 6th day of school group. Teachers would be required to work 5 days, the 6th day a teacher's assistant would, optionally, be present for 6th day school day, or overtime would be paid to the primary teacher. Providing a teacher’s assistant would alleviate work pressure, and workload of teachers teaching. This method of interactive learning for half of the 50 student classroom group, would innovatively provide grading, by AI which would be viewed by these teachers. Every other day remote learning would cut down on the strain of teacher workload. This would present the ability to raise student classroom sizes, which would inevitably cut down on education costs, by the amount of students foreseen to be overseen by a single teacher. This budget proposal would leave room, in savings to raise teacher pay, granting the ability to hire more qualified personnel
Change education from a discretionary spending budget to a mandatory spending budget.
(ESUE) For those already enrolled, phase in 25% repayment tax for first 2 years work upon graduation as part of pre humanitarian social aid program (PHSP), for fourth year graduates
Implement for third year students a 33% tax for 2 years of work upon graduation as part of the PHSP program.
For second year students implement a 45% tax for 2 years of work upon graduation.
Upon the third year of the program, implementation mandates 45% pay reduction for participants receiving universal education under the ESUE program for the first 2 years of work, out of school, upon graduation, as part of the humanitarian social aid program (HSP).
Implement standard 12% tax rate on program income, as part of (HSP) standard deposit of humanitarian aid, after 4th year of implementation. This would be a tax on the program, itself, not of more deductions from participants of the work program.
Mandate 45%, pay reduction, for participant's receiving universal education under ESUE program for first 2 years out of school, as part of humanitarian social aid program (HSP) aimed to supplement ESUE costs
(ESUE 2): For those qualified and opting out of initial 2 year mandate require at least 3 year social service mandate prior to receiving retirement funds status, of full pay out. These work mandates would be enforced by retirement reform, and deductions of retirement funds, if not completed upon time of retirement.
Set full retirement payout to 32 years of work qualifications for those of ESUE 2 and 28 to participants of ESUE qualifications. Set half payouts to ESUE qualifiers to 21 and ESUE 2 to 25 years. This would go to aid the effectiveness of the retirement reform proposal, forming a working class who have worked to form a stable retirement program
The key to the program is the 2 year work program. This coincides with creating a better quality of education, while at the same time cutting down education length to 3 years for a 4 year graduate program. By doing so you create an influx of graduate’s, in relation to education costs per student, per year, which makes this program efficient rather than a deficit for cost comparison of educating to income of work program.
Implement plan to increase age of maturity to 21 to allow kids to stay with parents while obtaining free secondary education. This would be to help aid in higher graduation rates. Such would aid in graduation rates by reducing stressors in a kid, going to college, as college life would not include necessarily having to work while attending college.
Algorithms for job placement in the revolution, of Globalism. Initiative of the ESUE: education stimulus, for job placement should be vested in industry, science, and technology. Robotics programming, welding, to engineering, are to be key industrial job placement.
Entitlement programs
Universal hosing voucher mandate
In the United States, and within developed countries, in the world, a guarantee of shelter should be mandated. There should be a government voucher, of such shelter, for given citizens. This voucher would cover free housing up to 500 square footage, per person. Those blessed with the ability to obtain grandeur housing complexes would be subjected to a property tax. This tax would be a compounded rate of increase, dependent on a per square foot basis, beyond the 500 initial set affordable housing vouchers, in which one owned, or otherwise, inhabited . This would be a fair, and equitable manner, in which to redistribute the wealth, from the uber rich, unto those impoverished, and struggling. This would incentivise the rich to live within their economical means.
This would go to end global homelessness. The per square footage tax would be based on total acquired square footage beyond the initial 500, in a given year. Each additional square foot would be taxed to a rate which would lead to offset government expenditure of the program. Program expenditure outline could be no less than 10% of nations GDP expenditure, and could not exceed 35% of nations GDP expenditure, this pertaining to the application, of, the universal housing program. The rates would be adjusted annuallym to reach optimal global peak growth rates. For each additional 10,000 square footage, brackets would be staged to double the cost per square footage, per 10,000 square foot, at a base rate of appraisal. This would go towards ending such vast wealth disparities, and would go to create a fair universal middle class, founded upon equality.
Entitlement programs, in theory
An attempt to phase in these entitlement programs should occur within a 10 year period, within developed countires. Ine developed countires, at least one of these entitlement programs should be mandated to be implemented within a 15 year timeline.
Universal Affordable healthcare
Aided by telehealth, routine doctor visits would be entitled for all citizens; Doctor’s would be allowed to charge immigrants any set rate for such routine visits. No person could spend more than $7,000 annually under such a cap on medical care. The capped price on all surgeries would be set at $3,500. The price of all ICU visits would be capped at $500. Prescription drug costs would be capped at $$2,000 annually. Accruing a medical healthcare debt, neglect, or failure to pay would cause a deduction from a citizens retirement funds, with accruing interest. The government would subsidize all other costs, which would grant full covered beyond capped expenses. This would be the new universal affordable healthcare system. This would be made possible by the ESUE 2 year work program, thus decreasing the financial strain of government controlled healthcare system programs. There would also be savings in efficiency in large scale centralized medical research, through government input value. Also, affordable pro-active care, such as vaccines made available, through such programs would ultimately decrease overall long term healthcare costs. This would play a role in decreasing mortality rate, increasing the quality of living, within societal platforms. Through a centralized government healthcare system, manufacturing and dispensing of medical care would be made easier, by cutting out bureaucratic corruption in price gouging in the medical industry. These corrupt bureaucrats create a pseudo economy where benefits are never fairly passed down or redistributed. Distribution of these medical advancements would cover partial costs of implementation
This would eliminate corporate healthcare greed, and this would ensure our, should be, divine right to quality healthcare, when possible, and our right to safety, and a safe environment was upheld. These practices would lower the cost of healthcare, for most, and create a better quality of living. Through proposal this would statistically lower crime rates and would boost the economy through a lower mortality rate, The HSP portions of funds utilized for Medicare, in welfare reform outline, would offset major financial strain this may have on the economy
This would eliminate corporate healthcare greed, and this would ensure our, should be, divine right to quality healthcare, when possible, and our right to safety, and a safe environment was upheld. These practices would lower the cost of healthcare, for most, and create a better quality of living. Through proposal this would statistically lower crime rates and would boost the economy through a lower mortality rate, The HSP portions of funds utilized for Medicare, in welfare reform outline, would offset major financial strain this may have on the economy
Welfare reform program
Mandate for all welfare seekers capable of work to be placed in a job within 1-2 months, within seeking welfare benefits.
Expand welfare job database to provide a job to job seekers within one month of application, through the employment costs tax break
Welfare checks would be distributed during these months of waiting to be placed in job placement through the welfare reform job database system.
Promote a universal 17%, income tax rate. Followed by a 15% to 25% corporate tax, and 10% estate tax.
Implement a 3 time mandatory job placement for all qualified job seekers.
Any qualified job seeker would have the ability, if terminated, to reapply and be admitted into the welfare jobs system 3 times within a 5 year mark period, 3 termination ratio.
Implement a 3 termination limit of job placement for all job seekers.
If terminated 3 times within a 5 year period the job seeker would be barred from the welfare jobs system for 1 year, after which time the 3 termination outline would be reset to a 2 year termination outline, for the rest of one's natural life.
Utilize 40% of taxes of the HSP program upon the first year of full implementation, to fund the welfare reform program.
25% would be distributed to social security, and medicaid programs.
25% would be used to upstart government businesses to broaden the job system database, in bid for socialist reform.
50% would be utilized for the Employment cost tax break program.
Implement 33% tax break, per salary, for 3 years of employment for companies in participation of the Employment costs tax break program "ECTB": ECTB(A), and ECTB(B), This would be for those hiring, individuals, seeking welfare benefits, and job employment, in order to boost the welfare job database.
Give the ECTB, (A), and (B) for 3 years, at which point if the employee had not been terminated, the business would be required to retain this employee permanently, until the requirement of termination was met, or mutual separation occurred. This would be without further utilization of tax break.
If a company were to terminate an employee prior to 3 year cycle, they would be mandated to keep that job slot open at a rate for employment tax break of 25% of lapsed salary, until permanent employee retention was reached.
This would encourage companies to retain workers, decreasing jobless rates, and decreasing total welfare benefits distribution.
Through this tax break program it would promote productive employment and retainment techniques that would incentify companies to retain their employees through the welfare reform program.
Provide a, one time, 5% additional tax break bonus, of either the 33% tax break rate, or 25% tax break rate of program participants upon permanent retainment of 3 years for the ECTB (A) program, this is after permanent retainment.
The jobs system would be boosted, and be proven efficient through the ECTB. Costs of homeless shelter operations would decrease, and costs of welfare direct payment programs would also decrease, due to a lower unemployment rate. The economy would be stimulated through an increase in labor and social spending through increased employment rates, and aid of subsidy program
Mandate companies that work domestically to provide 1 slot per 100 employee’s designated for the welfare reform program.
Mandate all companies that export their jobs to impoverished regions, to provide at least 2 slots of employment for every 150 employee’s designated for the WRP international redevelopment program employment costs tax break (IECTB). The IECTB is to operate in similar manner of domestic ECTB (A), and (B). Only difference, needing 5 slots to qualify for IECTB (B) program.
Allow buyout of ECTB (A) program, by a 20% recovery fee for every slot that is bought out, and collected every 5 years. There would be a 1 % application fee of the annual salary, of each salary slot for which select businesses were applying for, to be bought out.
ECTB (B): To qualify a business must buy in, atleast 3 salary slots per mandated, required slot initiative, within ECTB program. A 3 year 33% to 25% tax break would apply. The 5% tax break bonus would continue to apply annually, for all participating slots, under the ECTB (B) program. This would apply, as long as a business, was to maintain ratio of atleast 3 additional slot buy ins per each mandatory slot mandate.
Stage in through a 5 year period, an increase in the corporate tax rate to 20% to 30%. This is in order to incentivise participation in the ECTB program, and avoid buyout of such a program implementation.
Depending on the size of the company, in regards to employment of the ECTB system, the more employees under the ECTB program, thus being retained, the lower the tax rate of said business would be.
Allow a buy in program into the ECTB, of all willing, and pertainable to, of the same 33% initial tax break to the 25% sub tax break for terminated employee slots, and the 5% additional tax break bonus would still apply.
This would create a fair, market, and an avenue to shore up vacancies in job datatbase, for such welfare reform programs, propose. By rewarding those who participate in ECTB (B) program through lower taxes. These incentives would boost the economy. This is through incentivized businesses want to participate in ECTB program. This would lower the unemployment rate, buy providing jobs to those most in need, and spur economic spending. This would create a more efficient welfare system, lowering welfare direct payment costs.
There should be an initiative for the increase of global productivity, and efficiency. This initiative would mandate phasing out, by 2050, 50% of all manual labor jobs, through a revolutionary boom, in robotics, and AI technology. There should be, at the least a 1.5% annual phase out module, for such jobs. This initiative would be of importance to lower food costs, phasing out global hunger. This initiative would, also, go towards decreasing construction costs meant to open up opportunities for universal housing programs
Globalism, and birth rate regulations
Globalism is set upon principles. Such principles are of a unified global government. Principles are based on the best interest, and growth of a universal entity. Government control of population is suggested for optimal output of the global economic community.
Regulation of population growth, and birth rates are of best interest for global prosperity. By creating a regulatory branch in the national government, one can more effectively regulate the calculus function of change within population growth, and fluctuation. This branch would ensure no extremes of birth rates occur. This branch would make needed changes to generational fluctuations, and optimize economic growth. Changes would be made in 10 year cycles. Options of regulations would be a non-restrictive policy. A restrictive policy of up to 1-6 child limit per person. The branch could also issue a mandate for government in-vitro child production. These options would go to most effectively moderate, and manage calculus algorithms, of those entering the workforce, in comparison to those going into retirement, and financial obligations of such parties. These regulations would balance ethics, while creating the most profitable, calculus function, for universal advancement, and quality of life. Accountability for available resources, and discretion of future scarcity would be a deciding factor of this branch’s decisions to regulate population growth. This policy would be adjusted every generation. These policies would aid in government flexibility, and create an added tool to budget global funds. Coupled with work program initiatives such as the ESUE, the program would augment, and properly balance workforce class income earning revenues to retirement class needs and expenses.
The control of the government needs to be applied. The stigma of abusive failures of communism must not be associated with Globalism; For we are at the precipice of optimal change in government. Socialism, and its economic structure of the past was too small. The government also lacked the proper structure to properly regulate long term fairness, stability, and overall approval of the governing sect. These governments, also did not possess the technological breakthroughs of to date, and the foreseeable future, technology such as robotics, interactive learning software, space travel and AI advancements
Abortion in Global government
Preventative birth control should be legal, such as the morning after pill, and condoms. Abortion should be illegal in all cases except for threat to life, or rape. If a victim of rape, the rape must be reported, and abortions could not exceed the developmental term of a babies brain. In case of threat of life determination would have to be made on a case by case measure. Within a 30% survival rate difference of other or child, abortion of child could proceed, or choice to have the child could be made. When dealing with a 31% or more variating rate the medical opinion, and decision should be had to save that with the highest probability of survival
Globalism government structure
Global government systemGOD- Global observing dignity (1 person global head)Lords- Legal observing review dignities (90 person head of branch)
Top tier Lords branch- (1 per lord)(90 personnel)Mid tier branch of the lords- (90 per top tier branch personnel)(8,100 personnel
National government systemTop tier- (1 per mid branch of the lords global government system)(8,100 personnel)National mid tier branch-(90 personnel per top tier branch)(729,000 personnel)Lower tier-(1 head of branch for every national mid tier)(729,000 personnel)
Federal government systemTop tier Senate-(Panel of 100 personnel per every lower tier national)(72,900,000 personnel)Lower Senate-(An observing senate panel of a senator per top tier federal government system official)(36,450,000 personnel)
State government systemRepresentatives-(an observing house of representatives, observing 10 senators per house member) (3,645,000 personnel) also making propositions to Senate.
National government systemTop tier- (1 per mid branch of the lords global government system)(8,100 personnel)National mid tier branch-(90 personnel per top tier branch)(729,000 personnel)Lower tier-(1 head of branch for every national mid tier)(729,000 personnel)
Federal government systemTop tier Senate-(Panel of 100 personnel per every lower tier national)(72,900,000 personnel)Lower Senate-(An observing senate panel of a senator per top tier federal government system official)(36,450,000 personnel)
State government systemRepresentatives-(an observing house of representatives, observing 10 senators per house member) (3,645,000 personnel) also making propositions to Senate.
IMMIGRATION And Retirement reform
Centralized Government Retirement Accounts (CGRA)
In the United States, and abroad, we need a centralized government retirement account system. This is needed, in order to offset, and eliminate, tax loopholes, and prevent fraud. This is needed, at all levels of government, and for proper reporting among, economic, income, reporting systems. This centralization would, also, aid in centralizing future unionization of global powers, of globalist ventures. This would, also, aid in census reporting, and fraud management.
This centralization would be based upon a subset of GDP accumulations. The value of one’s retirement benefits would be based on, part (A), a fractionated percent of GDP per capita of the country for whom one has worked for, in order to earn retirement. Fractioned percent would be no more than 99% of GDP per capita, for select country, and no less than 10% of countries GDP per capita. This figure would be annually adjusted for increase. Part (B): a percent of income accrued by a company, or business during years of employment, would be credited to the retiree upon retirement. Calculations would be made of the mean value within the first year of income earnings, to the last year of income earnings to form, part (C). The combined average totalof part A, and part C, would make up the primary portion of retirement distribution. Company/Business accrued retirement benefits of, part (B), would be secondary portions distributed.
This 3 tier method of calculating retirement would decrease the corruptibility of the retirement system. It would, also, play a role of fairness with respect to income earners, and the value of their years of work earnings. Through this new system, one centralized agency would distribute one check monthly to recipients, and proper monitoring of distributions would be had. This would aid to enforce compliance in the ESUE 2 program through distribution deducuctions, or withholdings.
Cross border immigration retirement reform
Suggestions outlined are to curb immigration problems, and create a more fair, global market. One which creates a prosperous nation,and allows for open borders, for all participants. One could use, and apply such retirement calculations for retirement in the CGRA program, to immigrants in cross border immigration disputes. One would utilize the GDP per capita, part (A), of a lesser nation to determine GDP per capita, calculative retirement portions of the global centralized retirement system, for any immigrant having worked to retierment.
This would only apply, if having worked, more than 15 years, in a nation with a higher GDP at the time of retirement, than your country of citizenship. This would allow for nations taking on immigrants from less advantageous countries to acquire savings from retirement payouts, for harboring such immigrants. This, also may hamper some occurrences of excess mass immigrations. Mandating 15 years of work, would cut down on fraudulent filing for retirement benefits.
Those having worked up to the age of retirement illegally, with proven financial records should be taxed 50% of all retirement income, and provided medical care. The 50% that is received by immigrants would be paid for through either a deduction in the GEFT program, of benefactor countries, or paid through other means of contractual agreement of both facilitating countries. This would also provide a more accurate census due to want of retirement payments. Retirement funds could not dip below a 5% variable upon approval of first retirement payments.
Countries would have the privilege to extend the age of retirement of immigrants by 5 years. This could be done to capitalize on savings. In addition, such moves could to discourage an excess of migrants crossing such borders.
GDP RESET AID proposal
One could create a predictive model, and calculate, with help of modern supercomputers, that of potential viable growth, of all nations with a GDP, which, propositions would benefit. Those nations that have a GDP per capita less than $5,000 dollars per capita would be zeroed out, which would be considered nations of destitute value. A welfare system would apply for all other nations, of solution equatable, sum total, of total GDP, times GDP growth rate, times a variable 12% to 35% variable rate value being called the Global Economic Fairness Tax (GEFT). This would be distributed on basis on highest to lowest GDP per capita.
The variable 12% to 20% rate would be based on calculations of total global economical growth, and best interest for economic prosperity of the majority people. This majority would be calculated, by a panal of ethics advisors. Adivsors would debate duty of care responsibilities of the upper class to those destitute, and thus the value of life. This would be a fair assessment for economic equality, through distribution of wealth, reciprocated, through coming decades.
These, GEFT funds would be used to redistribute the wealth to impoverished nations under a much needed unified humanitarian effort, of globalism. Those economies, which were to show a decline in GDP, or GDP per capita over a 5 year stretch would be exempt from such a GEFT redistribution contribution mandate. If habitual they would receive aid based on rates of 5 year GDP and GDP per capita, economic status.
Contributing nations would be paid in royalty payments after a 50 year reset period, of those countries which have made an advance in their economies due to such programs. These payments would be allowed to be paid over a 300 year term period. Such payments would be a fraction of total GDP growth over such a 50 year period. Payments could not exceed more than 30% of total national GDP, with accruing interest at the time of settlement of economic fairness, initiative.
All pre-existing debt would be suspended, at an interested 50 year rate, and brought into a sub-economy after a 50 year reset period. Payment up to 30% of GDP growth could be made, but none more. This would be regulated in order to avoid disastrous economic manipulation during crucial primary years.
The 50 year interest rate of suspended economy would be based on the average GDP growth rate of entire global community. This would be calculated on a 25 year set calculation and re-calculated upon the 50th year. The average rate of these 2 calculation would apply to sub-economy intergration into new found, enhanced, global economy
These funds would be continual until 5 years of continual increase in GDP was had, or the total GDP was within the global 50 percentile of top earning GDP economies. The funds would be distributed on a basis of rate of decline, stagnation, or increase of a compilation of GDP, and GDP per capita. This would allow for targeting of those most in need. This would be made possible through such immigration proposals, also, education, and welfare reform.
- One must say, one must show leniency to another if one is to safely co mingle peacefully in a thriving nation.
- If an act infringes on one’s, personal, safety, freedom, and, or, rights, both physically, and economically, one would be entitled to seek justice. This is if acted upon by a third party, other than self. Other than infringements by a third party, universal law should let bygones be bygones. Link of cause and effect of perpetrator to victims damage, or harm should always apply to the rule of law.
- Those acts jeopardizing government operations, still infringe on social safety, and justice should still be sought for the greater good of society
Developement of social security
Structure, and development is key to fundamental success, and prosperity. If you give the means of a firm base that can be built upon, you give the foundation of ultimate higher achievement, and fundamental self actualization, as in maslow's hierarchy, state, that can be applied for societal living.
Knowledge is a value of rare proponents. It is one of the few things that cannot be stolen from another person, or ever taken away. The structure of education, and it’s corresponding system is what, in current, day and age, is what we must build upon to develop a base for self actualization, for many, and an ultimate tools, given from god, to be utilized towards societies united objective for higher achievement, forward progression, and rewarded prosperity.
All too much, we see theft of the poor, and struggling, from humanitarian aid designated for those, most, in need. The structure of education is a system type more easily monitored than many other direct aid measures. Through development of a well constructed model, as with the ESUE: Education stimulus for universal education we can apply this formula on a global scale to see cost savings within a decade, and to see a surplus from program implementation within 2 decades.
Education is the key to innovation. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. Teach a culture of need, their desire to innovate, solutions, for the needy and willing to work, and they will work to eat, and they will work towards self reparation, and repair their own issues of their own economy and way of living within society.
A global reset of world economies is a necessity of a growing society, of such a wide divide of distributions of wealth. It is a necessity of any non proliferation pact that there is to be to avoid a global catastrophe of potential, impending, global war, and unrest. Education should be at the base of this global reset. We should base a value on income return on educationally qualified graduates, for the future, such as is with the proposed structured plan under the education stimulus for universal education, within the edition for the United States, and the global format, of the HSP: humanitarian social aid program.
Prosperity can be determined by sheer luck, or of one’s knowledge learned in life. Provide a pathway for all to pursue such prosperity, and the most determined will be the most deserving of such prosperity, and will be those of who will obtain such prosperity in like value.
The war of today is the uprising of civil disobedience, in the form of revolution, terrorism, and border crossings, for moral justice, to outline the ignorance of many of the growing problem of extreme poverty, and those without the means of the everyday luxuries, in which, the middle, and upper class members take for granted. At the same time ignoring the most valuable aspect we hold dear, that united we stand strong, and divided we fall hard. If we were to invest in the basic “infrastructure”needed for the operation of society, or enterprise, as by definition, education would be such. The infrastructure of societal growth is education and technological innovations to curb the largest of problems such as the global rate of poverty stricken cultural groups, and global warming. The succession of a better life to the next generation is embroidered in the opportunity of a universal education system for all to partake in.
Inaction is the innovation of failure. If we do nothing we should expect nothing in return. Through such inaction we are guilty of the crime of murder from every soul that dies of unnecessary causes of poverty, this is, where a plan of action, sooner than later, could divert billions from this ill-fitted fate. Through concessions, of a plan of action today we all can reap the reward of a more gainful, and prosperous future. Through the investment of society's social educational system, this future is obtainable, and well within reach of a new cultural norm.
Factors of inopportunity is the fray we see, in many systems of government, of the current day. Providing an opportunity, and pathway, through education reform, is the mend we need to fix such fray in government structure, and the push we need for societal success and advancement.
The principle of power is respect. True power garners the respect of all. Let us garner true power and the respect of all by investing in our system of education, and provide to all a divine right of their pursuit to happiness.
Globalism is a united front towards the proliferation of success, for all. Globalism is the next branch of government, and is of necessity for our growing population. It is essential for the survival of our kind to ensure a prosperous future for the next generation. We must put aside our differences, and create a common regulation of cultural norms, of rights, wrongs, and, economical, fairness. Free speech is a justified right of one's own. Murder is an abhorrent wrong, and the distribution of wealth is, and should be a policy of economic fairness, and of moral obligation. We leave a legacy, of decisions, made, to pass on to continuing generations. Let us leave a legacy of peace, harmony, and prosperity. With our growing population, and fractured government forms, a global, socialistic order of reform, is the only solution, to peace, and harmony. The elevation of the quality of living, for all within 2 decades under work, and expansion, programs like the education stimulus for universal education proposed on this page, is so profound, it is a social, and moral crime not to adhere to such significant reform policies. The gains are so vast for the inclusion of a broader work force through investments in our global educational system, that the short term cost deficit is vastly outweighed by the long term benefits: Our moral obligations, as a society to those dying, daily, due to extreme poverty conditions, is also cited, as a critical topic of discussion, and concern. The case benefits all class systems within a 2 decade term period, as the lower class builds, so does the middle class, and in finality of projected plan, the rich recoup their interests in time after primary growth.
We have outgrown capitalism. It has worked to elevate the United States to dominance since the 60’s in a split faction governmental world body. It will not be as significant in future terms. We do not need divisionary competition. We need to monopolize the most efficient methods, and put them into action in a large scale government body, as a larger growing, united nation. This is rather than was the case in past need of capitalism, and divisionary competition, as seen in the population density of the past. Globalist, socialist reform is of the future. The need to utilize the entire labor market is of essence. To deny this is to deny logic. In the past socialism was not to be completely efficient due to the lack of population, and the competition of capitalism, which has outgrown its worth. WE have come to the goldilocks zone, for the transition into socialism, from a capitalistic United States, where socialistic, and capitalistic values must unite to lead to the next phase of government growth, and development, of effective operations.
Knowledge is a value of rare proponents. It is one of the few things that cannot be stolen from another person, or ever taken away. The structure of education, and it’s corresponding system is what, in current, day and age, is what we must build upon to develop a base for self actualization, for many, and an ultimate tools, given from god, to be utilized towards societies united objective for higher achievement, forward progression, and rewarded prosperity.
All too much, we see theft of the poor, and struggling, from humanitarian aid designated for those, most, in need. The structure of education is a system type more easily monitored than many other direct aid measures. Through development of a well constructed model, as with the ESUE: Education stimulus for universal education we can apply this formula on a global scale to see cost savings within a decade, and to see a surplus from program implementation within 2 decades.
Education is the key to innovation. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. Teach a culture of need, their desire to innovate, solutions, for the needy and willing to work, and they will work to eat, and they will work towards self reparation, and repair their own issues of their own economy and way of living within society.
A global reset of world economies is a necessity of a growing society, of such a wide divide of distributions of wealth. It is a necessity of any non proliferation pact that there is to be to avoid a global catastrophe of potential, impending, global war, and unrest. Education should be at the base of this global reset. We should base a value on income return on educationally qualified graduates, for the future, such as is with the proposed structured plan under the education stimulus for universal education, within the edition for the United States, and the global format, of the HSP: humanitarian social aid program.
Prosperity can be determined by sheer luck, or of one’s knowledge learned in life. Provide a pathway for all to pursue such prosperity, and the most determined will be the most deserving of such prosperity, and will be those of who will obtain such prosperity in like value.
The war of today is the uprising of civil disobedience, in the form of revolution, terrorism, and border crossings, for moral justice, to outline the ignorance of many of the growing problem of extreme poverty, and those without the means of the everyday luxuries, in which, the middle, and upper class members take for granted. At the same time ignoring the most valuable aspect we hold dear, that united we stand strong, and divided we fall hard. If we were to invest in the basic “infrastructure”needed for the operation of society, or enterprise, as by definition, education would be such. The infrastructure of societal growth is education and technological innovations to curb the largest of problems such as the global rate of poverty stricken cultural groups, and global warming. The succession of a better life to the next generation is embroidered in the opportunity of a universal education system for all to partake in.
Inaction is the innovation of failure. If we do nothing we should expect nothing in return. Through such inaction we are guilty of the crime of murder from every soul that dies of unnecessary causes of poverty, this is, where a plan of action, sooner than later, could divert billions from this ill-fitted fate. Through concessions, of a plan of action today we all can reap the reward of a more gainful, and prosperous future. Through the investment of society's social educational system, this future is obtainable, and well within reach of a new cultural norm.
Factors of inopportunity is the fray we see, in many systems of government, of the current day. Providing an opportunity, and pathway, through education reform, is the mend we need to fix such fray in government structure, and the push we need for societal success and advancement.
The principle of power is respect. True power garners the respect of all. Let us garner true power and the respect of all by investing in our system of education, and provide to all a divine right of their pursuit to happiness.
Globalism is a united front towards the proliferation of success, for all. Globalism is the next branch of government, and is of necessity for our growing population. It is essential for the survival of our kind to ensure a prosperous future for the next generation. We must put aside our differences, and create a common regulation of cultural norms, of rights, wrongs, and, economical, fairness. Free speech is a justified right of one's own. Murder is an abhorrent wrong, and the distribution of wealth is, and should be a policy of economic fairness, and of moral obligation. We leave a legacy, of decisions, made, to pass on to continuing generations. Let us leave a legacy of peace, harmony, and prosperity. With our growing population, and fractured government forms, a global, socialistic order of reform, is the only solution, to peace, and harmony. The elevation of the quality of living, for all within 2 decades under work, and expansion, programs like the education stimulus for universal education proposed on this page, is so profound, it is a social, and moral crime not to adhere to such significant reform policies. The gains are so vast for the inclusion of a broader work force through investments in our global educational system, that the short term cost deficit is vastly outweighed by the long term benefits: Our moral obligations, as a society to those dying, daily, due to extreme poverty conditions, is also cited, as a critical topic of discussion, and concern. The case benefits all class systems within a 2 decade term period, as the lower class builds, so does the middle class, and in finality of projected plan, the rich recoup their interests in time after primary growth.
We have outgrown capitalism. It has worked to elevate the United States to dominance since the 60’s in a split faction governmental world body. It will not be as significant in future terms. We do not need divisionary competition. We need to monopolize the most efficient methods, and put them into action in a large scale government body, as a larger growing, united nation. This is rather than was the case in past need of capitalism, and divisionary competition, as seen in the population density of the past. Globalist, socialist reform is of the future. The need to utilize the entire labor market is of essence. To deny this is to deny logic. In the past socialism was not to be completely efficient due to the lack of population, and the competition of capitalism, which has outgrown its worth. WE have come to the goldilocks zone, for the transition into socialism, from a capitalistic United States, where socialistic, and capitalistic values must unite to lead to the next phase of government growth, and development, of effective operations.
The key to economical, and governmental, growth, and stability.
There are, many, key, components, to a stable government, of sustainable, growth, and stability. One of the, most, important, key points to a sustainable government, is societal peace, which ensures a government, without, fear of a civil uprising, absent of worry of governmental collapse; this is with inclusion of a government, of employed citizens, of the majority, margin; the ultimate, theory, of thought, is a seventy five percent, employment rate, or more, of the population, as a whole, with the inclusion, of the aforementioned, would, nearly, guarantee a stable government, of growth.
There are many, other, threats to the stability, of a governmental goal of stability, within the economy, and growth of the people. An average, annually, of consecutive, inflation, of the rate of currency, is, also, required, for the establishment, of a stable government. If, one is not averaged, persistently, annual, when talking, about, a government, and societal culture, economy, as a whole, scientifically, and mathematically, it is an equation, of factual science, that if the cycle, of annual implied contract, for sustainability, is missed, consecutively, than, unless, reversed, before collapse, it is a word, of reason, that the GDP inflation rate, will overwhelm the rate of currency, and, in essence, deflation, of the rate, of currency, will occur, within a healthy governmental structure, of assumed sustained growth. GDP must increase, at a rate of fifty percent, or less, of the expected rate, of inflation, of the economical currency. This is essential to the growth of a structure of government. There must be income to the government, for the purpose, of education, and security, and technological advancement, and research. Without government, which centralizes these three sectors, along with other key components, of centralized sectors, there would be no govern, of control; rather there would be anarchy, which, historically, augments the chance opportunity, of chaos, within societal structure. Historically, anarchy has never worked; we have, always grown to create a form, of new governmental structure, in order to maintain order, within the society, of disorganization, of the culture, of chaos.
Checks, and balances, are, another, vital state, of a government, needed for the stable form of governmental, structure, which has the opportunity to thrive. Without checks, and balances, we would be one step away from constant civil war, or anarchy. The state, of government would be, of a potential, of, a government form of feudalism, which is a government, of unfair economic wealth, class, variances. No feudalistic government, in history, has ever maintained; a new structure, of government, has always replaced feudalism. To this date, there is an absent, of, any feudalistic, governmental form. Once can, almost, certainly, expect greed, and deceit, to overcome, at least, one, in power. If not balanced, by another, or a group, of others, with enough power, to quell, the growth, of said person, or group, of government, to a point, there will be a development, of a communistic governmental form. Within Communism, the given group, in power, will feel pressure, and sense, a threat of being overthrown, from the knowledge of a single group’s gluttony. This perceived threat, will cause the group, which perceives, this threat to bury threat, to bury their subordinates, of lower wealth status, with taxes, and unfair fines, and laws, of government, which, is in advantage to the group of hierarch, in an attempt to secure their position, of power.
Checks, and balances, of any stable, government, is a desired, necessity, of augmentation, of, continual, wealth, and security, and prevention, of abuse, of power. Security, of the people, is the key role, of any legitimate government. Security, of economic growth from, domestically, and foreign threats. The key to economical, and governmental growth, and stability, is the outlines, of the above, aforementioned, yet, in debate, the number one core principle, is the security, of the people, and governmental structure, of checks and balances. This is true to the overall aid to economical, and governmental growth, and stability.
Values of establishing a societal norm of greater wealth prosperity for all is essential, and pertinent to the developmental security of our Global nation, are the goals of future progression.